Gratitude for Individuality

Gratitude is an integral part of wellness of the mind and soul.

I am so thankful for the people in my life who have skills, character traits and personalities that I do not have. If everyone were the same as me, the earth would be boring. I’m not saying I am a boring person, but 7 billion Anna Lawlers would be 6,999,999,999 too many. There would not be this synergistic balance of uniqueness that results from a kaleidoscope of people.

This semester in my dietetic coursework I will be placed in many situations where working with others is required. Teamwork can sometimes sound like a cheesy or cliche goal, but in reality it is so integral to my future as a dietitian. Whether it’s working with a pharmacist or with a cook, I will need to understand the differences in others around me. By discovering which character traits complement my work style and adapting to the quirks of my peers I can learn to work with all different kinds of people.

My nutrition communications class recently required that the students establish our personality types using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. I found out I am an INFP.

I-Introvert (thoughtful & reserved)

N-Intuition (creative & imaginative)

F-Feeling (sensitive & ethical)

P-Perceiving (open-minded & flexible)

According to, my personality type is referred to as the Healer. I am amazed at how much the description of INFPs reflects me. One of the careers listed under this type is dietitian/nutritionist! It also stated that I enjoy being artistic, spiritual, compassionate and accepting of all types of people. I love learning about myself in ways like this. It really helps me understand why I am the way I am and also allows me to learn how I work best with people with different characteristics.

Our God is so great that he made every human unique to fulfill individual purposes in life. While 4% of the population may be classified as INFP along with me, we each bring something different table. I find beauty in the way the population can work together by combining our gifts and traits.

Think about that. Be thankful.